Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Looky here, my first new post!

I apologize to anyone that has visited my blog in the last couple of days only to find it in a complete dis-array and a war zone. I have been doing some housekeeping on my page. I'm one of those people that is never satisfied with the way their blog looks. I am constantly tweaking colors, fonts, layouts, templates, etc. I finally got it to the way I like... And what do I do? I change it again! I found yet another template website with the coolest designs. So, I had to try it out.

I tried a few different templates & backgrounds in the last 2 days and they were nice but I was having a hard time manipulating the column sizing and colors. I need full control. (Can you say Control Freak??)

So we're back to the way my blog was up until 2 days ago. I really need to brush up on those HTML skills, and start coming up with my own designs... Hmmmm, if only I found the time!

So anyway ... here’s a list of a couple links I’ve found with cute FREE blog layouts…Enjoy!

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