Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fun at the Fair


Syd & Mami
Janet & her girls
I took my little girl to the Texas State Fair last Wednesday. A girlfriend of mine, Janet who has two little girls (4 and 1.5 year old) and I decided to head out and take the girls to the fair/play date. Ok! Let me be honest here...I was determined to try all the most of the yummy fair food. Family fun/play date was a bonus.....but the main attraction, for me at least, was the food. :) I don't know about y'all but there's something about fair food that well, it's just so stinking good. I know, I know, it's not healthy for you, or that it's all fried, but look at it this way, you're not eating it everyday...you'll start your diet regimen the next day. ;-) Anyway, although, I wanted a bit of everything...I decided to start off with a Fletcher's Corny Dog, and that my friends, is a real T-R-E-A-T!! I was so full I didn't have room for anything else, but by the end of the night, I did nibble on a delicious....wait for it.................................FUNNEL CAKE!!! With fruit topping, and whip cream! I'm sorry for my ramblings y'all but I was so excited about the food!! :) 


Anyhow, back to the real reason for this post, my lil' munchkin! My friends' little girls had fun but I'll let her talk about their day. :) Syd particularly, had a fun-filled-day - she got on a kiddy roller coaster (And didn't even cry - my big girl!), she nibbled on some yummy food, and watched both dog and pig races. She got to see lots of animals (which she loved by the way), and even got to feed some of them. The petting zoo was a hit for small children.  

 The thing I enjoyed the most was watching her go through "The Little Hands on the Farm", she really enjoyed that. She started off getting her apron with basket and shovel, then off to a scavenger hunt type of activity where she fed animals, planted seeds, drove a tractor to haul her crop, then cashed in crop and she was able to buy a snack from a store.  It was her very first time doing something like this and she really did quite well (for a 13 month old). 

Overall, we all had a lot of fun just people watching, playing with the kiddos and checking out all the sites and exhibits. Very glad we went, for sure!!

Big Tex!
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